Supplemental Security Income for Charlotte, NC Residents

SSI Lawyers in Charlotte, NC

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is different from Social Security Disability Insurance primarily because it is available to those whose income is lower than the government threshold. The requirements of obtaining Supplemental Security Income are very similar, however. To be eligible for these benefits, you must be able to provide adequate proof that you are disabled and unable to return to work for at least one year.

There are many factors that determine the amount that you can be paid under Supplemental Security Income. Your current income, living arrangements and the income you have been receiving are all factors that will be examined when determining the amount of SSI benefits you are eligible to receive. The maximum Federal SSI benefits you can receive can change each year. The Social Security Administration is in charge of administering supplemental benefits to those below the mandated government threshold.

Find out if you are eligible for Supplement Security Income Benefits!

If you do not know whether you will qualify for SSI benefits, one of our disability/SSI lawyers in Charlotte, NC can help you determine your eligibility. There are requirements that you must meet, including having a valid disability. Your monthly wages must also not exceed the maximum income set by the SSI Administration. Unlike Social Security Disability, Supplement Security Income does not require a set amount of work to have been done in the past months.

The maximum amount of SSI benefits is often changing. Currently, in North Carolina, the amount is around $675 per month for an individual. The amount that you are entitled to receive is computed based on a variety of factors, including your cost of living. Supplement Security Income is for those who are disabled but they have not worked enough to meet the requirement of Social Security Disability. Find out what benefits may be available to you by contacting the Law Office of Jack G. Lezman, PLLC to speak with one of our disability lawyers in Charlotte, NC!

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